Sunday, May 26, 2024

NO TAX HIKES under LABOUR - The future LABOUR Government - Sir Keir Starmer Era

Lets Get Real:

I have heard the same music before form the LABOUR PARTY and they always leave OFFICE after the wreaking the economy, the 1970s and then in 2007 with the financial crisis, they always over promise and then FAIL.  Also this time its different, there could be WW3 around the corner with Russia, the people of the UK have to wake up, this is more like the 1930s not the 1970s, Putin is already putting out ceasefire noise about the Ukraine.  It will be interesting to see what Labour say will be their defence posture, will a new LABOUR GOVERNMENT really want to spend its money on the Ukraine, what happens if Trump wins in November, he will demands that the UK spend more on defence and rest of Europe.  This is not 1997 and New Labour and New Britain, recall the Emperor Nero was popular on his succession, he was styled the Prince of Youth and looked what happened, Blair has Iraq, always Iraq.

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