Sunday, May 12, 2024

False Flog Operation in Belgorod in Russia ? - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It is not unknown for the Russians to blow up their own buildings as to get public support, or the allegation that they planned and took part in the recent terrorist attack at a concert hall is Moscow.   That investigation has gone very quiet of late.  The Russians have started a new offensive in the Ukraine, so far it is going well, the fresh US weapons have not arrived yet in the Ukraine, the West has been slow with military kit, thus giving the Russians this chance.  It would not be a surprise to this blog if a few other buildings are not blow up by the FSB.   The Russian Bear is on the move, its claws have to be cut, and the West cannot afford WEAK leadership of POTUS when it comes to the Ukraine and Israel.

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