Friday, September 01, 2023

The Ukraine offensive has been successful - The White House

Lets Get Real:

The White House has taken its time in coming out with praise for the Ukraine offensive, the Russians want a negative image of the offensive, the Ukraine and the West has not fought a war like this since WW2.  In honesty everyone thought WW3 would start with a crisis in the Middle East with Iran and its nukes aim or Taiwan and Chia.  The Defence planers thought the non nuclear WAR had its day, the failure of Afghanistan showed that no matter the time and the money that the West spent that you can not force people to accept democracy and its culture.   At least with Iraq, there is some peace with US support, it keeps Iran on its toes.  The Ukraine should aim to take the Crimea, this would undercut Putin at home, of course there is the risk that this could be a red line for Putin,  would he go nuclear, battlefield nuclear weapons to prevent the Ukraine from taking the Crimea, so far his threats have not matched with real action on the ground.  Thus Kyiv should not listen to the doom Sayers, on ward and forward for the Ukraine Army. 

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