Monday, December 26, 2022

Crisis Point 1 - Ukraine Drones hits Russian Base in Russia - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is BAD PR for the Kremlin, the Ukraine Air Forces is starting to hit Russia prober with Drones, just as the Kremlin is using Iranian Drones to hit the Ukraine.  As the article notes the Russians have used that base as a launch pad for their attacks on the Ukraine.  The WINTER WAR will be one of attrition on the ground, the Ukraine and Russian Forces will be fighting from the trenches, and will have to cope with the snow, mud, water, all the typical hallmarks of World War One is Western Europe.  The Ukraine Government has stated that they expect a Russian attack from the North and that Putin will try for Kyiv in the NEW YEAR.  There has been speculation that Belarus might join the War in the support of Russia, as their leader owes his time in OFFICE to President Putin.  President Biden must keep his nerve, he must not allow another Afghanistan, and the Reagan Republicans in the Republican Party have to support the funding of the Ukraine and its forces.  One does think about the poor people of the Ukraine, in bomb shelters, no power or light, to think this happening in Europe in the 21st Century. 

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