Friday, November 04, 2022

Other CRISIS Part 2 - North Korea - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus the tensions in Asia have grow, North Korea has launched missiles, a ICBM test that failed, and NOW they are putting planes close to the Southern Border.  This can only mean one thing, that the North is about to a NUCLEAR TEST, the first in five years.  This endless show, is just that, if North Korea ever attacked the South, it would break the Armistice between UN Forces and North Korea, it would lead to the fall of the North Korean Regime, plus there are US troops there, at present the US military and South Korea military are having military drills, the US and its Allies would destroy North Korea if it used its vast army.  If North Korea was to hit South Korea with the BOMB, then the US would destroy North Korea, even the sand left would have radiation that would last hundred of years.  The North Koreans are ALL SHOW, and no substance, they will never act, the West and South Korea should just ignore North Korea.

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