Monday, October 17, 2022

New Chancellor DITCHES Truss Budget - Liz Truss Era/After Boris

Lets Get Real:

The Conservative Party is toast, this is like 1992 all over again, when Sir John Major's Government lost its economic control, then came 1997 and the placing of Tony Blair in 10 Downing Street.  The sorry excuse for a Government has two years before the next election, one can expect that Truss will be replaced, it will look like a farce, the Conservatives need a few years in Opposition, that will get rid of former Ministers and those who just like to rebel.  The new leader after 2024 needs to get a new Chief Whip in, someone who really scares MP's and gets them under control and understand they are not there because of their name or charisma, or lack of charisma, they are there because they have the Conservative symbol by their name.  The Conservatives in Opposition have to work out what they are for and against when it comes to the economy and stick to their agenda.  They also need to scrap the 1922 Committee, it has became far to powerful, it needs a new makeover, also the new Committee has to make sure its rules cannot be changed, ALL Governments in power for years start to lose support, you will always have MPs who are scared, they have to re - learn they are cannon fodder for voting, the top leads while the MPs follow orders. 

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