Wednesday, December 01, 2021

How FAR TO GO to help the Ukraine ? - Ukraine - Russia Border Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The blog has argued to place US and NATO combat troops in the Ukraine, this would be a big deterrence to Putin of Russia, a red line would be shown and the Russians would be a very aware of it, any attack on NATO troops could lead to WAR.  One doubts the Biden Oval has the guts to do this, it can be postulated that Biden will threaten harsh sanctions against Russia should they invade, sanctions that could break the Russia economy.   Also if Russia does invade the US and NATO should send military back up to the Ukraine, such as tanks, airplanes, intelligence reports, all the kit they need to stall and hurt the Russian Army.  President Lukashenko is the kind of nut that could lead to a WAR BY MISTAKE, he is called the last tyrant in Europe, he is at the beck and call of Putin, recent remarks by the President had to be rolled back by the Kremlin.  The US Secretary of State has to be CLEAR with the Russians, do this and it will lead to serious reaction, and the US will protect the Ukraine, also place nuclear missiles in Poland and the Baltic States, make it CLEAR, NATO stands as one. 

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