Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Abortion LAW in the US - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Let's hope the US Supreme Court holds that abortion is LEGAL and can be done any time up to birth, that would be the real Conservative view, A alt Liberal view would be that the State has the right to decide such matters, this might be the reverse of what you think, the Republican Party has become VERY Liberal on this issue, that the State should decide what goes on between a woman and her Doctor, while Liberals have gone very Conservative, the view being that its a private matter, thus being a TRUE CONSERVATIVE.  Thus throwing labels about is not a great idea is true, the present argument is that Republicans want the STATE to decide what goes on at a abortion clinic, while Liberals see it as a private matter and a right of women to decide such issues.  Abortion is RIGHT and should be protected. 

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