Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Former Vice -President Mondale DEAD at 93 - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It was sad to hear that the former Vice - President had died, although his family will be grieving, it is important to look at the Carter - Mondale record while in OFFICE, on the domestic front there was high inflation, low employment, and on the international front, Russia invaded Afghanistan and the ruler of a secular Iran was overthrown by the Regime still in power, the number one supporter of terrorism in the World.   The Carter victory in 1976 was a reaction to Watergate, Vietnam and the failed polices of the Ford Administration.  At one debate President Ford seem not to get the fact that Easter Europe was under the influence of Russia.  The victory in November 76 was the high point, after that it went down hill.   In 1980 Reagan was a massive victory, 44 States and turned the US around on the domestic and international front.  In 1984 Mondale won the Democratic nomination and was defeated by Reagan by 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 electoral votes.  Later Mondale tried to run for his old Senate Seat, he was defeated.   Thus the view that over all Mondale had lost ALL 50 States at one time or another.

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