Saturday, December 05, 2020

The problems FACED by the UK/EU over Brexit - Brexit Update 2 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

On level playing field, the UK Government cannot give, the very reason for leaving the EU is that the UK will decide its own rules, without having to answer to the EU.  Thus very limited scope for that, one or a two year transition might be doable, if the ECJ is kept out of it and we the UK get 70% of fish caught in the channel at the minimum.  The Germans over the weekend will have to muzzle the French, the Germans will have to promise EU support for fishing families hurt by the decline of the UK market.  Also the UK PM will have to keep the hard Brexit MPs in the House of Commons happy, even if they oppose with Labour support  the deal can be passed, but that is not good enough in a political context, the PM will have been seen to sell out UK interests, that would be a hard political fight back.  Thus we wait and see!

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