Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Sunday DEADLINE by the European Parliament - Brexit Update 3 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

The European Parliament will be lucky if this deadline is held by the joint delegations, last Sunday's deadline did not happen and the latest news seems gloomy from the UK side.  One does wonder what the delegations are talking about, how many times can you look at the subject before you hate the policy and the other delegation.   These talks have lasted longer than some of my affairs, and they actually liked me.  It seems that the European Parliament is showing its teeth, pity they are rotten and no one cares.  If the delegations reach an agreement by 5pm on the December 31st then UK Parliament and the European Parliament will be expected to pass ANY DEAL.  Sad when we finally leave the EU on the 31st December we can not celebrate as all the pubs will be CLOSED.  It says a lot about our relationship with the EU over the decades.

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