Monday, November 09, 2020

Talks in London between UK and the EU - The Final Week? - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

As noted in the left wing Guardian last week, this is the week if there is going to be a DEAL.  Otherwise there will be no time to get it through the House of Commons and the Parliaments of the other 27 EU Countries.   The main problems, as they always have been is as fish, regulations on UK Government support for economic sectors of the economy and who shall judge if the either side break the rules. This blog has argued that the PM can not appease the French when it comes to FISH, the section is a small part of the economy but very symbolic for the voter.  The French want to keep the same concessions that they have NOW, any agreement like that has no chance of getting through the House of Commons.  The results of this week talks should be known by Friday at the latest.   If there are further talks, then the EU is playing the UK and is running down the clock to force a BAD deal on the UK.   The UK PM must walk on Friday if there is NO DEAL, these endless talks are going nowhere so far.

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