Wednesday, October 28, 2020

On the Docket for the New Justice - US Presidential Election/ Law

Daily Mail: Reports " Amy Coney Barrett joins the Supreme Court and faces immediate baptism of fire - including voting rights, Obamacare, Catholic bans on gay couples adopting and possibly the election result itself "

Lets Get Real:

The first few cases faced by Justice Amy Coney Barrett will define how she is judged by the LEFT AND RIGHT.  The Uber liberal news media will look at her view on ObamaCare, it was the major achievement of the Obama Administration in the domestic field, if you follow her logic from the past, then she should strike it down, would a new Justice really do that before Christmas or require the US Congress to come up with a solution by January 1st as an example.  The Judge will face the opposition by the catholic church to the adoption of kids by gay couple, one does hope she is liberal on that, it would be cruel to stop loving parents adopting kids.  As to the election itself, one hopes the result is CLEAR on the night, otherwise we face more Court trials from State to the Supreme Court. 

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