Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Biden leads in NATIONAL US Polls - US Presidential Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

If Florida or Ohio go for Biden then we know its OVER on election night, of course if the rust belt States go together, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania go for Biden the its a massive victory for Biden.  The interesting races will be the Senate races, do the voters really want to give the Democrats a CLEAN SWEEP, that would mean that it would be DOWN to the US Supreme Court to stop any massive liberal polices.  One can assume if its  a massive victory for Biden then even Trump will have to go quietly and hand over the power on January 20th 2021.   The question is what he will do between November and January, there  is only one President at a time, and a angry Trump might start a war with Iran and hand it over to Biden.  On the foreign policy side one should expect former Obama officials, also will Biden really be that tough with Russia and North Korea, also of course he will appease Iran, back to the Obama deal with them.  If the US Supreme Courts does revoke OBAMACARE, then Biden will need to build up his support for another attempt.  On the whole one expects a more quiet time from a Biden White House. 

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