Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trump's forever Victory - US Supreme Court - 2020 Presidential Election

Lets Get Real:

Whatever happens next week, Trump has shaped the future of the US Supreme Court, had had three nominees and thus pushes the Court to the right.  The Democrats are furious, they could decide to PACK the Court with liberals, but the argument against that is the Republican could do the same when they are power.  Also VP is on the record in opposing such plan, he has thrown the idea in to the LONG GRASS, he will set up a commission to look at the US Court system.   The LEFT will push for Biden to pack the Court, it could be a early battle for Biden in his first term ( and only term, does any really think he will run for 2nd term, he is already losing it, he called Trump, George twice in a recent speech ).   The Biden foreign policy will be a return to the Obama Era, thus Obama re-treads in post such as NSA and Secretary of State.  It will be nice to have a quiet Presidency, Trump will be giving him hell ever day through his tweets, and watch in till Trump starts his own TV network, it will be Trump 24/7.

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