Monday, October 19, 2020

Not ENOUGH from the EU on talks - Brexit Update 1 - Australian Rules

Lets Get Real:

The PM is right to be FIRM with the EU, the EU could be trying to lure the UK in to talks and at the end offer a poor deal, and they will have thought that the UK would not be ready for a NO DEAL BREXIT.   The PM has to make sure that the EU treats the UK as a Sovereign Nation, not part of the EU and not its serf.  The UK Government has talks with the EU for months, and only after the UK has walked out do the EU come back, the question is does what they offer have any depth.   The UK's fish are out FISH and the UK Government decides what to fund in the future, only the ECJ can not be part of the process at all.   Let's keep the EU at a distance for a while, there is an old saying, be mean and they come running!

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