Friday, August 14, 2020

Brexit DEAL by September - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

This blog will support a DEAL if we keep our fish in our waters, that the ECJ does not have any power over the UK and immigration can be controlled.   That UK Government not the EU can decide on the sectors of the economy that get support from the State.  On the whole the UK voter has trust in Boris, the question is can we trust the civil service, they are the Opposition from within, in other words HARD REMAINERS.   The COVID - 19 pandemic has damaged the UK economy, a good trade deal with the EU would be good and in the interest of the UK.   IF the French are being silly buggers over OUR FISH, we should walk away, the French THINK they have a right to fish in UK waters, it is about time the UK showed them a RED CARD, our fish and our waters.

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