Monday, February 03, 2020

Kerry of 2004 looking for another run as POTUS - Iowa 2020 - Part3 - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Thus former Senator, former Secretary of State John F. Kerry is thinking of another run for the Oval Office, he tried that in 2004 against Bush 43 and failed, the Democratic Establishment is better at looking for Mayor Bloomberg to run for the Oval as  their nominee, he has the money, he is a billionaire, and might have a fighting chance against POTUS.  If the Democratic Party goes left wards it might make the base happy but it could cost the Party the Oval, the House and the Senate.   There is no way in hell that a majority of Americans will vote for the socialist Sanders, he is not even a registered Democrat.   One can only hope that Biden pulls off a shock victory in Iowa and New Hampshire. 

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