Monday, July 01, 2019

Iran Update - Iran Crisis - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

While the World watches the demonstrations in Hong Kong, the real important story is this latest development from Iran.  One would bet's one mortgage on the fact that Israel is on the phone to the US, demanding that it should do something, or they will.  One only has to recall the history of the area, when Iraq was on its way to a nuclear facility in 1981 Israel struck, then in 2007 when Syria was the same path, Israel repeated its strike.  The World knows that Israel has the bomb, it's the ultimate defence shield, but it can only be used once, and Israel likes to take traditional methods such as air strikes when it feels under threat.  One almost gets the impression that Tehran is booking the America Eagle, it has to be careful that the US does not do its own strike, the Trump Oval has to show that is strong somewhere and it could be Iran. 

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