Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Iran has backed off - US Defence Secretary - Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

One assumes IRAN has sent word through backchannels that it has gotten the message and will back off, otherwise the US is taking a risk.  The US Intelligence network from the CIA to the NSA will be keeping a close eye on Iran, we are in the 60 day deadline for Iran to start to go nuclear if the UN does not come with a plan to help it avoid US sanctions, also the Intelligence network of Israel, the Mossad will be closely watching the nuclear process in Iran, Jerusalem will not allow Iran to go nuclear, they bombed Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007 when these Countries were on the cusp of going nuclear.   The US has to place even tougher sanctions on Iran, make the regime sweat, make the armed forces less well off, also check the terrorist allies of IRAN in the region, time for Trump to find his backbone. 

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