Monday, May 27, 2019

Wales goes for BREXIT PARTY - EU Elections - Why NO Brexit ?

Lets Get Real:

Wales shows the way, it follows the national trend and supports the BREXIT PARTY.  One hopes, and hope is rare in the BREXIT DEBATE, that the old Parties will come together to get a DEAL.  This is not because they have smelled the coffee after the Euro Elections, but for the believe in DEMOCRACY.  Wales and England voters have shown that they want their will of 2016 followed by the House of Commons, otherwise the Old UK Parties will suffer at the next general election.   The main candidate in the Conservative Leadership contest is Boris Johnson, he wants to take the UK out of the EU by the end of October, deal or no deal, the Conservative MPs who want to win re-election at the next election should support Boris, he knows how to win elections, HARD REMAINERS in the Conservative backbenchers should be de-selected by their local associations, they have LOST THE PLOT.   Wales as in the referendum of 2016 voted to leave, what part of that does the Welsh Assembly not get in CARDIFF, wake up members and support the will of the UK and Welsh voter. 

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