Monday, May 27, 2019

The SEX TAPES of Martin Luther King Jr - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The above are a shocking revelation, but it is not new, that the tapes exist was known for some time, if the transcripts of these bugged talks are accurate then the liberal elite will have some tough choices to make.   President Kennedy's post death reputation has been ruined in many respects by the fact that he consistent playboy who never grew up, also the revelation that he had his own intern and what he made her do has not helped.   It is never a good idea to get to close to your hero, they are human, and the King revelations have to be looked at through the mirror of the #MeToo movement.   In needs a respected Academic, not American to listen to the tapes, check if the transcript match what he or she hears, if they do then the transcripts should get a general release, but the actual tapes should not be published, MLK Jr was a great man, a man of peace, a nobel prize winner, all great men come with downsides, he should still be respected for what he did and preached, not his negative human side.  It would be better if the tapes were destroyed, otherwise one knows what will happen, Trump will use them to justify his own actions, not fair, but POTUS does not play fair. 

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