Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Republicans start the political war on " Creepy " Joe Biden - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans are trying to outdo the MeToo movement when it comes to former Vice - President Joe Biden and it is WRONG.   The former VP is a decent guy, a bit to touchy feely, but then he is OLD.   What was seen as being normal, humble and fun has now become seen as a attack on the personal space of women.   The Republicans see Joe Biden as a threat, he comes across as normal, not a policy wonk who needs your votes and will happy shake your hand and smile, the over touchy feely bit comes from the fact that Biden is OLD, a guy who's character was formed decades ago, and no one then saw as problem.  It is a bit rich for the Republicans to go after Biden with President Trump in the White House, one does not see Trump saying SORRY for anything.   Of course the Democratic candidates in the field might want Biden OUT, then they go up in the polls.   The Vice - President should be wary of his fellow Democrats, they also want to win nomination and go against Trump, they will look through out Biden career in the Senate and the Vice - Presidency.   Does VP Biden really want to go through the hassle of a campaign with taking in bound attacks from his own Party and the Trump White House. 

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