Monday, April 29, 2019

President Trump vs. Former VP Biden - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

By the way the uber liberal CNN would say the above!!

I hate to say this, but President Trump could be RIGHT, Biden has to move to the  extreme LEFT to win the Democratic nomination, and by calling him out Trump could make the Democratic voters think that Trump sees Biden as a threat, thus vote for him.   The problem is that the Biden sorry tour is still going on, he is trying to clean up his mess over Anita Hill and he has promised to revoke the Trump tax cuts, thus tax hikes, it seems good old Joe has forgotten, well he is 76, that a former VP, Walter Mondale promised tax hikes at the 1984 Democratic Convention, President Reagan beat Walter Mondale by 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 electoral college votes, thus tax hikes not a good idea to run on.   The more Senators Sanders and Warren move to the Dems to the LEFT, the more ordinary voters will see that the the Democratic nominee is the captive of the LEFT, thus Trump could have a landslide, a big landslide if the nominee is the Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders. Let's recall folks it still April 2019, a long road before Iowa. 

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