Thursday, January 31, 2019

National Security and President Trump - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

If you have a BRAIN CELL and your are POTUS you do not dish your Intelligence services, they know ALL the secrets.   President Trump has been WEAK over North Korea and Russia, he has trusted the North Korean leader who has fooled him in to believing that North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons.   On Russia the Kremlin must have something on Trump, whatever other reason can there be for the fact that Trump is kissing the backside of President Putin.   On Iran POTUS might have a point, the Tehran Regime since 1979 has been a threat to the US and Western interests.   Why on earth the Republican Establishment is keeping faith with Trump is beyond this blog, they should be supporting someone to challenge the President in 2020.   It can be postulated that Trump will lose in 2020, the Republicans should considering getting their majority back in the House and keeping the Senate Republican.   Of course the Democrats could nominate a Candidate that goes down like a LEAD BALLOON in the FLY OVER States, politics is an art not a science. 

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