Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Trump Appeases North Korea - The US and North Korean Summit

Lets Get Real:

The Democrats should pounce on this major concession by President Trump, the hawks in the Republican Party should distance themselves from POTUS.   The President has been played by North Korea, they will never give up their nuclear weapons, and it will be hard for the US to get sanctions placed again on North Korea, one can China relaxing its sanctions on North Korea, this is a win for China and North Korea.    This is the problem when you elect a reality TV star as President, he sees coverage as more important than the FACTS ON THE GROUND.   The South Koreans might like that there is less tension with North Korea, but their defence is based on the US being on the ground, if Trump removes the troops then South Korea could face an attack by the North.   Trump is new Neville Chamberlain, the Summit was the new Munich 1938.

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