Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Conservative LEAD Labour - General Election Watch

The UK General Election is in a few months, so expect more polls on the standing of the political parties.

Lets Get Real:

This could be a out there poll, as nearly all the POLLS have Labour ahead by a few points, ALL Labour has to do is get 35% of the vote and they will have a majority over the other Parties combined.  Of course you say, well Labour has to get 35%, and you would have a point, there leader Ed Miliband has never gotten around the fact that he stabbed his own brother in the back for the Labour Leadership, in the view of most voters it can be argued that he has not played the Game.  Lets recall the UK gave the World cricket, its not if you win or lose, but how you played, by stealing the throne from his brother David, Ed gets a big NO from the UK voter. But lets see, IF Labour gets around 35% it can be taken as granted that if they offer a deal to the Liberal Democrats they will take it, you can never trust the LibDems, they would sell you their granny for PR or in support of the EU.    It will not be fair, the Coalition Government has gotten the Country moving, unemployment has fallen, growth is back after the financial crisis of 2008.   It has been a good Government on the whole, and it will be replaced by Ed Balls as Chancellor and Ed Miliband as PM, God help US, they will be a disaster. 

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