Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Destruction of Iraq AFTER the Iraq War and the US Leaving - Middle East

Lets Get Real:

This is what happens when the US does not lead, by 2009 the Bush 43 military surge had done the trick,  it had gotten Iraq on the road to peace after years of terrorist attacks, then President Obama entered Office on the IDEA that Iraq was the BAD War and the noble War was Afghanistan,  the problem with that idea is that it was rubbish, what the Oval managed to do was turn a winning War in Iraq in to a losing War, while increasing troops to Afghanistan and then stating it would leave in 2014, this meant that the terrorists in both Afghanistan and Iraq won by default, the US left left Iraq after 2011 with no troops in place to protect the gains of the Bush surge, while the Afghan Taliban increased attacks in Afghanistan to create the image that the US was been driven out of the Country like the old USSR and the British Empire in the 19th Century.   Lets hope the new President in 2017 understands the importance leadership. 

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