Monday, September 30, 2013

Is Obama the NEW Neville Chamberlain ? - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Lets give President Obama the benefit of the doubt that he is a well meaning man, but that benefit of the doubt should be taken in context of a President who takes the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, and does not have the grace to give it back, honour is selective in the Obama White House, in one of the debates with Governor Romney, POTUS was smug in stating that he was getting used to his new health law being called ObamaCare, yes folks the guy is egotist of the first order.  Lets come to the Obama foreign policy, or better still, his surrender in FP, he allowed the US to get pushed out of Iraq, thus allowing Iran the ability to have air space to give weapons to Assad of Syria, he marched the US military up the Hill for action, then decided he did not have the bottle for action, and decided to cut his Secretary of State off at the knees by appeasing Syria, Russia, NOW he is doing the bidding of Iran, there is only once choice that THE Oval faces, does the US allow Iran to become a nuclear armed power, if the answer is NO, the US should be attacking Iran not taking its game playing calls.  Then the Oval has told the Taliban of Afghanistan that the West is leaving in 2014, if your clever Afghan your on the last plane out, its not in the interest of the Taliban to talk to the Oval, they want to be seen as winning over the US, after USSR was thrown out of Afghanistan at the end of the 80s.   Being a well meaning man does NOT cut it in Foreign Policy folks, it never has, thus Obama is the NEW Chamberlain. 

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