Friday, May 03, 2013

Syria Update 2

Lets Get Real: 

Once the Oval starts to arm the Syrian rebels it has to WIN, the Assad Regime is being armed by Russia and Iran, the Civil War in Syria become if it has not already become a  proxy War between the US/West and Iran, the Tehran Regime needs Assad in power as this allows it to support its terrorists allies in Lebanon, and thus strike Israel.  As long as the West and the news networks have their eyes on Syria then Iran can rush to get the bomb, they have seen how North Korea has been protected by having the bomb, thus in pure Strategic terms its in the interest of Iran to get the bomb and fast.  The clock is ticking for Israel folks, POTUS stated that Iran would have the bomb within the year, the Israeli Government will not wait for the year to end folks, also they have seen how weak POTUS has been with Syria, can they trust his promise to tackle Iran.  Watch the Syrian Crisis folks, its has major results for World security.   

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