Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Benghazi Scandal - Another Watergate ?

The New York Times: Reports that Republicans will say the following about President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in connection with the death of a US Ambassador and three others Americans in Benghazi, Libya, " ..did not do all they could to stop the attack, and then misled the public about what they knew. ".

Lets Get Real:

This blog was curious when the uber liberal NYT would cover this story, well since the Congressional hearings are today the paper had no choice the article makes the point that Fox News has not let this story go, even after the White House Press Secretary stated that the even happened a long time ago, less than a year folks and no one has been arrested.  Thus folks, here are the basic questions, lets hope the Congressmen/women can get over their egos and ask them, 1. What did the Oval do as the attacked went on for hours, what was the minute by minute actions of President Obama, 2. the same timeline should be found for Secretary Clinton, 3. If a security force could have been sent, why it was not given the green light, who gave the final NO, 4.  In the talking points after the terrorist attack, who did the whitewash, this blog has a nasty suspicion that the trail goes to the White House and high up, the highest, but lets see the trail folks. 5.  What has the FBI or CIA done to find the terrorists who attacked the American compound, what has the Obama Administration done. The Republicans see this scandal as bigger than Watergate, Iran - Contra, lets follow the evidence folks, unlike LIBERALS this blog does not jump the gun, lets see what the Congressional hearings find.  One can assume that the Democrats will do all they can to protect their prospective Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016, but it might be a choice folks, either the Oval or Hillary Clinton have to take the fall for the deaths of 4 Americans, do not expect nobility from a Chicago Pol. 

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