Wednesday, February 20, 2013

When a General Strike FAILS - Greece

BBC News: Reports on how the 20th General Strikes in Greece have failed to stop the austerity agenda of the Greek Government, this had lead to Budget Cuts and tax hikes.

Lets Get Real: 

As long as the Greek Government keeps to the idea that it has to stay in the Euro then the Greek people will suffer, the glue that is keeping the Greek Government to the Euro is the Greek Elite, the real people of Greece would suffer short term pain if they left the Euro but could see light at the end of the tunnel, at this rate the Greek people will be walked in to the earth of Greece.  One has to ask how the Classic Greeks would view this, a Greece on its back, a economic slave of the EU, at least classic Greece had Rome, a real Empire, and Augustus was seen as a God, not the EU folks.   Poor Greece. 

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