Sunday, February 03, 2013

The Hillary Clinton Record - NYT

Lets Get Real:

In other words folks you can start to think of Hillary 2016, even  before Clinton is out of the door and Senator Kerry takes over the Clinton camp wants to distance itself from the Obama Oval, in other words they see dark clouds in the future, from the Middle East to Korea, they must fear that Israel and the US will fall out big time over Iran, that Israel will take action and that the Obama Oval will be lukewarm in its support, also North Korea is on the blackmail road again, thus the US will have to feed the poor people of North Korea while its Government spends money on rockets.    In the shape of Bill Clinton, you have one of the best political thinkers in the business, he must assume that Obama's poll ratings will be in the tank or bad enough that Democrats will need some distance between the nominee and the Oval.   If Obama goes down the Neville Chamberlain road of Appeasement when it comes to Iran it could hurt the Democratic nominee in 2016, the Jewish vote in Florida could come out big for the Republican Nominee, also POTUS will not be on the ticket, thus the large African - American vote can not be counted on, it did not turn out in 2010 for the Mid Terms, thus folks, the election of 2016 might not be like 2008 and 2012, never fight the last election folks, its a dangerous game, if things go sour for Obama expect the Clinton camp to say if she had stayed the result would have been different, the Clintons play to win folks, they will do what it takes, this will not be 2008 again, the Clintons will win this time, the big old dog will be back in the White House, and Hillary will be in the Oval. 

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