Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Al Qaeda and the Syrian Revolt - Syrian Update PT2

Guardian: Reports that an Al Qaeda linked Syrian rebel group has taken over the largest dam in Syria.

Lets Get Real:

Folks the idea must cause horror even in the Oval, that Al Qaeda gets the credit for getting rid of President Assad, that is nightmare for Syria, Israel and the US, it would be a disaster for US Foreign Policy, if Secretary Kerry wants to show a backbone he should march in to the OVAL and demand that POTUS arms Western supporting rebels in Syria, the present support of non arms is not working, if Syria goes for  friendly Al Qaeda Government and the secular Government of Pakistan falls to the Taliban of Pakistan after the US leaves Afghanistan in 2014 the West is in a World of hurt and so is the Oval.  Lets recalls that the Truman Administration was blamed for years by the Republicans for losing China to the Communists, Obama can not afford to let that happen to Syria and Pakistan.    What ever a US President wants, is not what he gets to deal with most of the time, the Oval wants to take the US to the left, but the World does not care for the wants of ego mad US President, yes that is President Obama,  a crisis defines the Oval, not the many views of the OVAL, thus Syria matters folks, so does Iran, and its about time the Oval grew up and fast.  Its not the great liberal reforms of the Great Society that LBJ is recalled for folks, its for Vietnam, time that Oval did a course on foreign policy and not be marked on a curve, time for reality to get through to the Oval. 

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