Friday, December 28, 2012

POTUS and the Fiscal Cliff

BBC News: Reports that President Obama is meeting Congressional Leaders at the White House at 8pm tonight in attempt to cut a deal before the US goes over the fiscal cliff. 

Lets Get Real: 

The Republicans should hold the line, NO TAX HIKES on any Americans, and that should the Oval force the issue the Republicans will block the entire Obama Agenda on the Hill next year, NOTHING get through.   The Obama 2nd term would be over before it starts, all 2nd Term Presidents want a legacy, Obama only has  healthcare, or ObamaCare and he cant count that it wont be repelled by Republicans after 2016.   Thus the Oval should be treated to a Chicago lesson, if you overreach you get bounced hard by the other side.   Republicans hold the line, if the US goes over the cliff because of the Oval make the Oval pay in 2013, even further tax cuts not hikes, time to play hard ball folks. 

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