Thursday, August 30, 2012

Romney RNC Speech

Telegraph: Reports on the forthcoming speech by Governor Mitt Romney at the Republican National Convention, " ..poised to finally confront the questions over his Mormon faith and capitalist career..".

Lets Get Real:

This is a risky strategy folks, it deals with the two biggest negatives against Romney as seen by the liberal elite media. One can promise that the uber liberal media will try to give the impression that the Mormon faith is flaky, they would never have done that to JFK in the 1960 election, also they will stress Democratic talking points that Romney has not released his tax returns, one does not recall the uber media press going after how JFK funded his campaign through the money of his infamous father. Thus the Governor should it keep it simple, honest, and very direct, do not give the media the chance to undermine the speech with basic faults. Thus the fight is on folks.

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