Thursday, August 30, 2012

Paul Ryan Speech - Review

BBC News: Reports the speech by the Republican VP Nominee Paul Ryan has been challenged on its accuracy.

Lets Get Real:

In other words folks the speech was great, when the BBC types start to parrot some of the arguments of the Democrats and get in to the weeds about Medicare you know that the Oval has a problem, the Ryan speech has some great lines, how in essence Obama is full of hot air, as in rhetoric but lacks leadership, also how young graduates have been failed by POTUS, stuck in their old rooms at home, wondering when their life's will start. Thus a good kick in the butt for Obama and a good spring board for Governor Romney tonight. Advice to Governor, keep it simple and direct, do not try to be Obama, the ONE will be on show next week at the Democratic National Convention, full of elite media praise, thus Romney has to look the American people in the eye and tell them the truth.

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