Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mormon and Being Rich - Romney Speech

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks this is the test as seen by the Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans have to drive down the Romney negatives, its the only thing that is keeping Obama in the race, while the Democrats need this image to fire up the base. This is election is seen as a base election, thus the Independents are getting less attention, its down to who get can their voters to the Polls on the first Tuesday in November. The Democrats and the uber liberal media will try to paint Romney as following a flaky religion and being rich, it seems from the left that if you are rich or black and Republican you are EVIL, thus must be destroyed. Thus expect political trench warfare folks, its going to get even more nasty, the BBC, Guardian, The New York Times will run as many negative stories about Romney/Ryan as they can, Obama is their man, if he goes down, then they go down, that simple and brutal folks.

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