Thursday, July 19, 2012

Syrian Civil War - Syrian Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the UK, US and France have stated that the UN has failed in Syria.

Lets Get Real:

This is rather harsh on the UN folks, the UN was and will always be a talking shop, in the Cold War it didn't do a dam thing, it did not bring the sides together or help with the end of the Cold War. It is the modern version of the League of Nations, good intentions but can not deal with the REAL WORLD. The Russian Bear does not want to lose its warm water Port, the Tehran Regime sees the Assad Regime as its proxy War with the West, its a great diversion from the growing Iran crisis. Thus folks the Assad Regime will stay as long as it is backed by Putin's Russia and China, thus many more people will die, and the UN will look feckless and out of date, the only way for there to be a game changer is if the Assad Regime was to use chemical weapons, the West would have no choice but to take action, even Russia could not prevent NATO action, lets hope the Assad Regime is not that stupid folks.

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