Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - The Polls

Lets have a break from the economic collapse in the EU, lets have a look at the 2012 race in the US.

Tracking Polls:

Rasmussen Reports ( likely voters ): Reports today in its tracking poll that Governor Romney leads President Obama by 47% to 44%, a 3% lead.

Gallup ( registered voters ): Reports today in its tracking poll that President Obama and Governor Romney are tied at 46%.

Lets Get Real:

One can postulate that both Campaign will not be unhappy with today's tracking result, neither is down enough to cause panic, both are about tied. The negative for both Campaigns is that neither has defined the other so far. The Romney Campaign has failed to define POTUS as a tax and spend liberal. While the Oval has failed to define Governor Romney as a ruthless businessman who does not understand main street. It can be argued that both Campaigns are waiting for the US Supreme Court to rule on ObamaCare, then one would expect the Campaigns to hit a higher gear. One has to be impressed with the Court, they have not leaked so far, they are doing the right thing, but a tease would be nice, its the waiting that is getting boring.

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