Tuesday, June 19, 2012

President Obama's Job Approval and the Polls

Interesting folks, lets have a look at the job approval polls for POTUS, as usual we will go with the experts.

Job Approval Polls:

Lets Get Real:

Yes its early folks, but the Chicago Re-Elect Committee should be worried if POTUS stays on 46%, if this trends last then POTUS will join a very exclusive club, one term Presidents who failed to get re-elected. Lets not get ahead of our self's folks, the Chicago Re-Elect and its liberal supporters have not really started to throw their millions at negative adverts that will attempt to define Governor Romney, on the hand the Oval needs some good news on the domestic front, it can not afford for US Unemployment to go up again, if the Congressional Budget Office was right with its prediction that US unemployment will go up to 9% by November then the Oval is toast, that simple, the Oval will be dreading each month's stats , up and the Oval has a tough fight, down then its got a message, not a great message but least a clear message, don't change horses mid stream, its a very old political message, but you deal with what you have, that is politics 101.

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