Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Money DOWN the toilet - Greece

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 3.45pm post that the EU is considering if it should give Greece the next part of the agreed bailout that was agreed between EU/IMF/ECB and Greece, the articles notes the following, " .. Eurozone officials are mulling a delay of the €5.2bn bailout tranche that will be disbursed to Greece tomorrow... ".

Lets Get Real:

The very fact that the EU is even asking this question shows they are on LSD, Greece is a goner, its heading out of the Euro, it will either walk or be carried out, and what does the elite of the EU want to do, give Greece another 5.2 billions Euro's for them to flush down the toilet. It looks like Greece will have to have another General Election, this might have a different result, the people of Greece will have to be told if they vote for no bailout Parties then they are out of the Euro, that simple and brutal folks. If this message is sent by the whole EU then Greece will have a choice, either support the main austerity Parties or face Greece being flushed down the toilet by the EU. Think about it folks, the EU wants to give Greece another 5.2 billion, what growth could that create in the EU, yes folks, all politics is local, after 11 Governments have fallen since 2008 its time for the political elite to get closer to the their voters and not the elite of the EU.

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