Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Good Money = Toilet Money - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian Live - Greece: Reports in its 4.14pm post that EU Finance Ministers are having a heated debate about giving the next part of the agreed bailout, the eye watering amount, 5.2 billion Euro's, the article notes the following, " ..A heated debate was being conducted among eurozone finance ministries on Wednesday...several unnamed countries resisting, according to EU sources. ".

Lets Get Real:

If your EU Finance Minister do you really want go home after giving a green light to Greece getting the next part of the agreed bailout deal, when the Greek voters have told the EU get stuffed at its most basic. The Finance Ministers will have to explain to their voters why they have to go through austerity when Greeks can bail out on a austerity deal and still get billions of Germans taxpayers money to fund their State. If the EU elite agree this deal they deserved to be out of office, its madness, would you walk on to a minefield after being told it had live mines. That is what the EU Establishment is asking of EU politicians, time to smell the coffee and dry out, the Party is over, its payment time, if the Greeks bail, they are on their own, that is the real world folks.

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