Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Greek Crisis - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the left wing Greek Party Syriza bloc that came 2nd in the Greek General Election is in talks with the main Conservative and Socialist Parties in Greece in an attempt to form a Coalition Government.

Lets Get Real:

Although this blog is in no way a left wing blog, it has some admiration for Mr Tsipras for saying NO to the EU/IMF/ECB bailout deal. At least a Greek politician has stood up and said NO, the rest of the EU political elite has allowed itself to become drunk on the Euro at the expense of the real politics on the streets. Lets get to the dark side of the Greek election, the election to the Greek Parliament of the Neo Nazi Party Golden Dawn, they blame immigration for the woes of Greece and want to place land mines on its borders. The Greek voters should feel guilty for voting for such extreme Parties, the birthplace of Democracy should have no time for that kind of politics. After what Greece suffered during World War Two, to vote for a racist Party is quite mad folks. It is expected that no Coalition can be formed in Greece, thus fresh elections, lets hope the Greek people have gotten this madness out of their system and vote for the main EU supporting Parties, time is running out Athens.

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