Tuesday, April 03, 2012

The Pivotal State of Wisconsin - Republican Race

The New York Times: Reports on the heated election contest in the State of Wisconsin, and how Governor Romney leads Senator Santorum in the Polls of the State. It is really time for Senator Santorum to think of 2016, lets get real here folks, Governor Mitt Romney will be the 2012 Republican Nominee, if Romney is defeated and it is seen in part because of the long Republican Race then Santorum and to a lesser extent Gingrich will be blamed. These two are giving political arrows to the Obama Campaign, its time for them to get out and support Romney. Lets not forget that the real opposition is President Obama, every day that the Republicans attack each other, the more likely that Obama will win re-election and change the USA to picture the welfare States of Europe. Lets get Chicago real here folks.

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