Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spanish Pain - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports on the Austerity plan of Spanish PM Rajoy, the PM will deliver the articles notes, “ of the harshest budgets ever seen in Europe ”. The liberal left, this includes the Guardian, NYT and the BBC, don’t get one simple fact, from their LIBERAL and LEFT towers they only see what they want to see, the social contract of the welfare state from 1945 is over, at its core people are living longer, all the welfare benefits from 1945 can either be upheld by high tax rates, thus no business expansion or welfare has to be reformed, this goes for the NHS is the UK also, some services will have to paid for, the UK voter wants the welfare but does not want give 90% of his or her salary to the Government. Thus something has to give, and its welfare folks, when real harsh reforms happens in the EU, a lot of people are going to get hurt, but there is no other way, people wont accept moderate reform NOW, thus when the harsh reforms comes there is nothing they can say, its will be to late by then folks.

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