Thursday, February 23, 2012

Republican Debate - Review

BBC News: Reports that Republican frontrunner former Senator Rick Santorum came under attack from other Republican Candidates in the Republican Debate. At the end this blog called it a split decision, it can be argued that both Romney and Santorum had a good night, Santorum showed he could deal with a combative attacks from fellow candidates. His one weak area is his arguments on social issues, they are very Conservative, and hurt him with Independent voters in a General Election. While Romney showed he could be tough but without losing his cool, also his answers on the Middle East that he could go toe to toe with President Obama in a Foreign Policy Debate. The Brains on the set was former Speaker Newt Gingrich, his vast knowledge showed, but will it help him, he needed to keep his answer short and to the point. As to Congressman Paul, he is crank, he makes Neville Chamberlain look tough, a crank in other words folks. His Iran position was so weak it would be funny if the issue was not so serious. Thus Super Tuesday comes folks, lets see who has the BIG MO.

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