Sunday, January 08, 2012

South Carolina Poll - Republican Race

CNN - Politics: Reports on its new CNN/Time poll in South Carolina, leading with 37% is Governor Romney, while Senator Santorum is on 19% and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is on 18%. Thus folks if this is the result the race is OVER, Romney will be the Republican nominee, one can expect an increase in the Romney numbers should he win big in New Hampshire, Santorum needs to come second in NH for a good bounce in SC. If Paul is second, then the Santorum Campaign will be running on illusion not political reality. Also Rick Santorum might be looking for the VP spot on a Romney ticket, thus he can not afford to push this Campaign to far, the wild card will be Newt Gingrich, he has seen his Campaign destroyed by the negative adverts of the Romney Super Pac, thus he might be out to damage Romney before the General Election. It is down to SC folks if the Conservatives in the Republican Party want to stop Romney, otherwise time to get on the Romney train.

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