Wednesday, December 07, 2011

51% Job Disapproval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its Daily Job Approval Poll for President Obama, today POTUS has a 41% Approval, while 51% of Disapprove of the Obama record. Folks if you look at past Presidencies via the Gallup, Presidential Job Approval Centre, President Obama has a problem. Lets look at the Presidents who won a 2nd term, at how the stood at this moment in the Gallup Poll, Reagan was on 54%, Clinton was 51% and Bush 43 was on 55%. President Obama is on 41% today folks. At best POTUS can only get up to 44%-45%. The Oval has lost Independent voters, the reason is the bad economy in the US, although the unemployment rate has gone down to 8.6%, that has more to do with the fact that over three hundred thousand Americans just gave up looking, also those jobs created are in the service industry before Christmas, this blog expects a spike upwards after the holiday period. The we come to the high point of the Obama domestic agenda, ObamaCare, its hated folks. The US Supreme Court could really well declare that its illegal, so that’s combined with the failed stimulus folks has really turned voters against Obama. What could really hurt the Oval would be if the US Supreme Court declared ObamaCare legal, then it would be a major issue through out the Presidential Campaign. Thus POTUS has turned to class warfare, ask Walter Mondale what the effect was of his statement at the Democratic Convention that he would raise taxes, he lost by 49 States, and 525 Electoral votes, and 59% of US voters voted for Reagan. Thus expect a nasty Campaign folks, Obama cant run his record, he does not have one worth having, its Chicago politics folks, the last man standing wins.

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