Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gingrich and the Republican Race

The Hill: Reports that the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich has won the endorsement of the influential New Hampshire Paper the Union Leader. This kind support might be more helpful in the general, as could help the Speaker win in Iowa, it seems that Romney has a lock on New Hampshire, but as the race goes to more conservatives areas it could mean that Gingrich could really give Governor Romney a run for the nomination. The advantage that the former Speaker has is the fact that all his past baggage is out there already, also his stand on immigration shows that he is willing to take on the base of the Party. It really comes down to field operation folks and money, the Romney Campaign has the money in Iowa and New Hampshire, as the Speaker had pretty much a disastrous start, he has to raise a shed lot of money, also pay his campaign debts when the Campaign was considered out for the count. Thus one would have to say that Romney still has the edge but its narrow folks, its for Romney to lose folks.

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